You Can Get an In House Estimate For Your Moving Needs!

When you’re moving long distance, you want to be sure that you get the most information possible about what you’re doing and how you may want to proceed with what you need to accomplish. How do you figure out what the cost will be and are there ways to make sure that you’ve got the resources necessary so that you can work out what you need to do?

An in-home estimate with professional movers can help you to sort out what it is that you may be looking to spend money on in relation to your move. They can talk to you about what it is that you’re putting your money into and, on top of that, they can discuss additional services they may have available, as well as their costs, so that the move can go smoothly and so that you don’t forget anything that you need to invest cash into so that you can stay ahead of everything.

What happens during an in-home consultation? Are there certain things that you’ll need to deal with and do you know what you may need in order to get an accurate estimate?

Exploring the In-Home Estimate

When you call or email for an in-home estimate, you will schedule a time for an agent from the long-distance moving company to come in and survey your home. This appointment will be the time where they look at what it is that you are planning on moving to your new home or location. The agent is going to come to your home and inspect everything that you are moving.

You want to be sure that you’ve got everything with you that you plan on moving to your new home. Whether that’s your furniture, your appliances, your clothing, antiques, electronics, or anything else that you’re moving, you want to be sure that everything is available for them to inspect and check out.

They will walk around your entire home with you, looking at what it is that you’ve got and checking every nook and cranny in order to ensure that they have everything. They will take notes on what it is that they see and will take the time to check out every single detail that is related to what you are going to be packing into the moving van or truck.

Then, after they have completed the inspection of your items and what it is that you will be bringing with you, they will have a complete list that they go over with you. At this point, you can talk about the concerns you have about any specific items that you’re moving and talk with them about what it is that you want to do with certain things. You can make necessary adjustments and speak with them about items that you may want to put in crates or that are going to need other sorts of special care.

In some instances, they may be able to tell you an estimate right then and there. In other instances, they will need some time to put together an estimate based on the information that they obtained during their visit. In either case, they will have an estimate put together that you can choose to go with or to reject, whatever you feel is going to be best for your consideration and what you may want to invest your money into in the long run. You can choose to go forward or you can reject the estimate to go with someone else.

Types of Estimates

When you get an in-home estimate, you will discover that there are three types of estimates that you may get. These include firm-binding, non-binding, and option-binding estimates.

Firm-Binding Estimates

These estimates are worked out between the agent and the customer, and it is based on how much weight they estimate that the customer is going to have moved by the company. With firm-binding estimates, if the amount of weight that you’re dealing with changes, the price that you’ve gotten as an estimate is not going to change at all, no matter what.

Firm Binding Estimates - Best-movers

Non-Binding Estimates

Non-binding estimates are estimates that are an approximation based on what the agent you’re working with sees during their on-site visit, but that doesn’t mean that they have to adhere to that exact estimate – it’s only meant to give you an idea of what you’re probably going to spend.

What will happen is that they will go and weigh the vehicle after they have loaded everything into it for your move. Then, they will weigh it again when it arrives near its destination. This will allow them to put together your actual cost.

Non Binding Estimates - Best-movers

Option-Binding Estimates

Option binding is becoming one of the more common options when people are looking at getting estimates. In short, this is when you’re given an estimated weight based on the visit that the agent did to look at the items that you are moving. Then, they will write out a contract that specifies your estimate and the “not to exceed” price of your estimate.

That “not to exceed” price is a hard cap – they won’t charge you more unless you add items that weren’t surveyed during the estimate. If it ends up being less than your estimate, then the numbers will be adjusted accordingly as it would be with a non-binding estimate.

Option Binding Estimates - Best-movers

If you would like a free, in-home estimate for moving, please fill out the necessary forms that are available right here at Many of the long-distance movers we work with offer options that allow you to get an in-home estimate and will ensure that you get what you need in regards to information and the necessary estimates for what you will need to move and how you want to go through with the moving process.

There are many ways to go through with this, but having an in-home estimate ahead of time can go a long way when it comes to budgeting what you need for your move.